A little younger but within the half age +7 threshold, still I reckon id qualify as a cougar again if I get anywhere .
She does actually look exceptionally young in that pic, infact going blonde has knocked a good 5 years or more off her looks because it suites her skin.
In any case it takes two tango so for the moment it's just a crush.
Well medically speaking the penis grows out of the same organ as the clitorus whilst in the womb, and you were all born girls. So yah, my cock is bigger.
The boy is correct. Time is infact merely an axial position within dimensional space, and as dimensions go it's a fairly low one.
The theory of time travel is relatively sound, although disputed in some scientific circles, but the practical application designs we have require more power than we are able to generate.
Neither is time as constant as Dustin's original post suggested, we all experience time at different rates based upon our relative context, but unfortunately no method has yet been found to get me to work on time in the mornings.
It's on the 30th, but i'm going to have an issue giving you any time on the 31st as i'm off to a Halloween geekfest type thing starting at about midday. :/
But there will almost certainly be a movie night next month too - I dont know what the film will be yet, there's some suggestion of continuing the musicals theme and doing Greece (Rocky Horror and Little Shop of Horrors so far), or we're going to go down the Horror Comedy route.
Unless there are more corny 70-80's horror musicals out there anywhere... But I can't think of any... Apparently the industry did not prepare well for my movie nights.
OOOOOOOh writing this I just thought: Lesbian Vampire Killers...
I can think of worse ways to go, she's hot as foxtrot.
Well now you can come to Blighty and get properly WTF apeshit with the crew
I'm still single, but there's a girl I'd like to date and she asked me over so that's a good start, but I think she's in a fairly similar position so I gotta learn to bide my time I guess, but we'll see, I'll get to know her a bit better and maybe we'll both like what we find. Maybe we'll just be friends, either way it's win win.
*scratches head* You where just following orders? *boggle*
Yes I can. I absolutely can.
When I do any charity work or fund raising I ask to see the charities public published financial breakdown - it's the law they have to publish them and show where their money is being spent.
If the finances are over complicated (hiding something) or show disproportionate administrative costs, don't bother.
With religious charities though they can funnel money off to the church and as the church is a registered charity (the arch bishops needs his 2 palaces after all) it appears as a legitimate expense.
You put your money where you like, i'll put mine where I like. I do make charity donations, my favoured is MS Trust (8-10% administrative overhead).
Beg me to give money to the richest landowner in the country however, and i'll make posts like this.
I've never heard that term used. Kind of a silly choice of words if you ask me as plenty of gay folk have kids, some of them even breeded themselves *boggle*.
But it's not about label, it's about implication.
I just dont get why so many people use "gay" as an insult, or as a concept for deformation.
I actually realise there was no genuine mallice, but the implication of homosexuality being a negative thing, or using gay as an adjective to a detrimental status, is something I personaly would wish to see irradicated from language. It's that concept which breeds the underlying hostility that myself and many of my friends face on a regular basis.
You can't get away with saying "I bet that happens in a [N word]s bedroom", so why can you get away with saying "I bet that happens in a faggots bedroom" ? (to the extent that the N word is filtered even on this forum but faggot passes through)
It's because of that i'll always call people out when I hear it, because i'm pro-active at being a big gay pain in the ass. With a strap on if necessary.
When i've got the same rights as you guys then this stuff wouldn't be important, but I don't, and it is.
As the only member of this forum to freely admit to being gay I can say that such a thing has never happened in my bedroom.
But that's not why i'm replying to your post. This is:
Using homosexuality in a negative context meens you're the kind of person who giggles every time somebody says the word "homosexual" or "gay". And people who giggle over sexual matters are usually doing so out of embarassement, and embarassement is based in desire.
Indirectly insult me all you like, but do so knowing i'm peering back over my glasses at you, and i'll be thinking "he's so 'straight'".
I do not donate to the richest company on Earth or their "heal only the ones we like" faithpitals.
Personaly i'm in favour of Churches having their charity status being stripped away, especially as their actual charity work is seperately funded, and doubly so because their charity work is littered with too many caveats.
Do it for MS Trust or another charity which doesnt waste its income on "administration" and i'll dip into my purse.
I must be getting old as I drifted in and out of consciousness but the race was grand, I think we need to move Australia so that the timezone difference isn't so ridiculous and then we can watch all the V8 races.